Leura Playgroups
Getting the kids out of the house for a play, and a chance for some adult conversation, is what play group is all about. The two below welcome new members.
Monday Playgroup, run by St Aidan’s Anglican Church, Megalong Street, Leura 10am-12pm, $2 per week per family.
Thursday, Playgroup Association Playgroup, Leura Baptist Church Hall, cnr GWH & Leura Mall, 10am to 12pm, $2 per family per week plus yearly registration fee to Playgroups NSW of $32 (which covers insurance). You can have 2 free visits before you have to sign up.
You can just show up to either group, no need to contact anyone first. Neither group meets during School holidays.
March 9th, 2010 11:48
Is the Thursday group still running at the Baptist Church – I notice it is no longer listed on the Playgroup site.
May 3rd, 2010 14:03
I think the Thursday group has folded, but I think there is still a group run by the church meeting there, but I’m not sure of the days.
May 9th, 2011 11:30
I’m in Leura just arrived from England with 2 children one 4 and a half and the other 16 months. I’m looking for a playgroup. Is there one still running in Leura?
May 9th, 2011 11:40
Hi Kath,
Welcome to the area.
I believe there is a group run by the Anglican Church St Albans. My kids went to it when they were smaller and it was friendly and welcoming(we’re not religious).
I think the Baptist church also runs one. I haven’t had first hand experience of it, but I believe it may have more of a religious slant.
I don’t think either has any Internet presence, best to give the churches a ring.
May 13th, 2011 12:59
Is there still a playgroup on monday or thursday in leura?
June 1st, 2011 08:26
There is no playgroup running at the Anglican church. I think there is a group running at the public school on Thursday though.