Local Food Sustainability Meeting
I’m passing this on to you who may be interested. Â The meeting is
planned at 7pm, Thursday 26th of June, 1/110 Katoomba St, Katoomba
Dear Friends,
I have some passion around creating a truly sustainable Blue
Mountains food network and wish to hold a meeting where all
interested people can share their own vision of local food
sustainability and security and perhaps develop an action plan. I’d
love everyone who contributes to the food cycle to attend; growers,
buyers, sellers, consumers, compostors, etc. . .
Food security is the foundation of any healthy community and
ensuring we have local food to supply local demand gives us a much
better chance of surviving the effects of global warming and
declining economies. Already food prices are soaring and rice is
becoming scarce which puts a strain on other grains and will domino
down the line.
Can I suggest the 26th of June as a date for the meeting? Location
can be at The Studio, 1/110 Katoomba St. Katoomba, at 7pm. Please
email me back so I can have some indication of who can attend.
And please send this email on to other interested people and groups.
For the Earth
Gary Caganoff