Latest update on Woolworths Leura Development
Friday, March 12th, 2010The Western Regional Planning Panel met yesterday to discuss the Woolworths development on the old Colless site in Leura Mall.
The business paper presented gives the latest info on the proposal for a 1400sqm super market plus speciality shops (by comparison, Katoomba ALDI is about 1200sqm).
The key message from council is the revised development is head and shoulders over the previously approved retail/residential multi-story development on which building work has now ceased. The revised Woolworths proposal retains the two historic shops (currently Goodies supermarket) and adds three new shops on the Mall in keeping with the surrounding premises.
Entry to the supermarket will be from a corridor running from the Mall to the car park, or via a ramp up from the proposed below ground parking. There appear still to be some issues around signage, traffic and trolleys, which should be scrutinised based on the experience of previous developments where “nothing could be done” once building was complete.
Whether a major supermarket open 7am to 10pm will be a benefit to Leura is highly questionable, but at least the new proposal looks a little more in keeping with the township.

View from The Mall