McDonalds coming to Leura
What with a Woolworths, Dan Murphy’s and a Woolworths Petrol Station in development, Upper Mountains residents have enough to think about when it comes to new commercial ventures. A sign promising McDonalds is coming soon set up in the vacant field next to the Leura-GWH roundabout was certain to get locals to react.
It spurred a Facebook group in opposition and gathered many a second look, but by Sunday it was gone.
Our own thoughts are the 1st of May might have been a month to late for the organised pranksters.
May 3rd, 2010 15:36
fuck it was fun and we will strike again
May 3rd, 2010 18:29
Don’t you think that April fools day would be a little too obvious?
Regardless of what day it was done a whole heap of stuck up leura residents completely shit themselves.
Well worth the effort.
PS. If people dont like it DONT EAT IT – Its that simple!!!
May 3rd, 2010 18:42
yes thanks. it was put up for a reason and now look at every one all so upset over nothing…
May 3rd, 2010 21:54
but it would be good to do something with that site – maybe landscape it so people can buy their lunches from the take-aways in the Mall and have somewhere decent to eat them rather than in the middle of the road….
May 4th, 2010 11:55
May 4th, 2010 13:32
There are plenty of parks in Leura.
One at the bottom of the Mall, one in Grose St, Gordon Falls, Leura Baths etc.
May 5th, 2010 21:31
I think that site is WAY too small for one of my restaurants! I may have put the worlds smallest drive thru in there though. But besides that, there would be no space to park my clown car and Grimace doesn’t like to walk!! Lol
June 25th, 2010 15:38
I think it was a great prank.
McDonalds is an eyesore which will cost the mountains a fortune if allowed to do its usual domination of the region.
Low wages for a handful of kids.
Destruction of local character.
The profit$ leaving the area.
Local food retailers crippled. (of produce suppliers not used)
And another community ignored…… and it is a broad selection of the community that opposes maccas…..all ages from the alternatives to the “stuck up leura” folk….. hmmmm maybee thats because having maccas in the mountains serves no one except the greedy megafood chain and a few fat investors.
June 26th, 2010 19:08
I’m proud to be able to say Im from the upper mtns and we have no McDonalds here– we also dont seem to have as many obese people walking around as other areas, go figure.
McDonalds doesn’t care about communities, just profits. The healty choices menus were only created when subway got big and people started to get smart about how crap their food is and harmful it is to their health. People come to the mountains to eat real food at the end of the day and local industry should be making money out of that, not McD’s tacky restaurants.
December 17th, 2010 09:25
KFC would be much i hate mcdonalds food
April 17th, 2011 17:45
no McDonald’s?..Because I love being robbed-blind by local rip off merchants taking advantage of vulnerable tourists and locals who due to their inconspicuousness seem to get away with horribly disgusting kitchens and food ?? Idiots. I propose a McDonald’s outlet right on the highway, large road-sign, and billboards on both sides of the highway.
And in terms of health?? McDonald’s have been using low fat/cholesterol oil since 1990..What are the local places using?? I hazard a guess at the el-cheapo artery-clogging animal fat (sure tastes like it)
September 24th, 2012 11:29
Dont kid yourselves folks.This is about protecting the councillers cafes.Not about whats right or wrong for this community.
June 13th, 2013 12:56
The reason there will be no Maccas in Leura or anywhere in the mountains is because of stuck up 80 year olds who enjoy their cute little morning coffees at places like the Red Door cafe… Not everyone goes to Maccas, so even if one did open, they wouldn’t run everyone out of business… Everytime someone wants something in the mountains, whinging nappy wearing, incontinence riddled 80 year olds say no… When’s their expiry date?
June 13th, 2013 13:22
If only there was somewhere else in Australia where there was a Maccas!
It’s good to have a place that is different to everywhere else. There are 700 McDonalds in Australia, plenty for everyone surely.
February 9th, 2017 12:48
i like there cheese
December 20th, 2018 19:23
hablas español?